Invité du Competitive Intelligence Center de ESCP. Conférence à l’Université de Tel-Aviv.
KEYNOTE SPEAKER. Amir Fleischman dirige Cicom Global, une société de formation et de conseil en veille concurrentielle (CI), avec des clients allant d’entreprises Fortune 500, d’établissements universitaires, d’organismes liés au renseignement et de bureaux gouvernementaux du monde entier.
Amir est internationalement reconnu comme un leader du renseignement open source (OSINT) avec une connaissance approfondie des outils et techniques liés à l’IC dans l’espace en ligne, des médias sociaux et mobile. Il a fait des présentations lors de nombreux événements et est connu pour ses conférences et ateliers pratiques et enrichissants, où il démontre en direct de puissantes capacités de recherche et d’analyse originales.
LE PLUS. Amir Fleischman heads Cicom Global, a competitive intelligence (CI)-training and consultancy company, with clients varying from Fortune 500 firms, academic institutions, intelligence-related bodies and governmental offices around the globe.
Amir is internationally recognized as an open source intelligence (OSINT) leader with profound knowledge of CI-related tools and techniques within the online, social media and mobile space. He has presented at numerous events and is known for his practical, enriching lectures and workshops, where he demonstrates live powerful out-of-the-box search and analytical capabilities.
Amir’s book, Beating Competition through Web Intelligence outlines extensive methodologies and tools to retrieve online business information in a sophisticated manner and gain competitive advantage.
In 2019 Amir won the International Association of Intelligence Education (IAFIE)’s Instructor of the Year Award, the first and only instructor from the competitive intelligence industry to win the award. Later he became a board member of the association’s European chapter and has been editing the IAFIE EC Industry Digest newsletter.
Amir has contributed to the Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP), as a keynote speaker and panelist at conferences in America, Asia and Europe; he is an editorial board member of Competitive Intelligence Magazine and published articles in I am SCIP and Competitive Intelligence Magazine.
Amir is the head of CI courses at the Homeland Security Academy – Wingate College and the Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce (FICC). He lectures at major universities and colleges and was a member of the Israeli Forum of Competitive Intelligence (FIMAT) Steering Committee.
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